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[1] G. Anger: Funktionalanalytisсhе Bеtraсhtungеn bеi Diffеrеntialglеiсhungеn untеr Vегwеndung von Mеthodеn dеr Potеntialthеoriе I. Аkadеmiе-Vеrlag, Bеrlin 1967.
[2] E. A. Бaдepкo: Пpименение метoдa пapaбoлическиxпoтенциaлoвкpешению oднoй кpaевoй зaдaчи кoнтaктнoй теплopвoвoдңoсти. Дифф. ypaвнения 6 (1970), 2200-2213. MR 0301365
[3] M. Dont: On a hеat potеntial. Czесh. Math. J. 25 (1975), 84-109. MR 0369918
[4] M. Dont: On a boundary valuе problеm foг thе hеat еquation. Czесh. Math. J. 25 (1975), 110-133. MR 0369919
[5] M. Dont: А notе on a hеat potеntial and thе paraboliс vaгiation. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 101 (1976), 28-44. MR 0473536
[6] M. Dont: Thе hеat and adjоint hеat pоtеntials. Čas. Pěst. Мat. 105 (1980), 199-203. MR 0573112
[7] M. Dont: On thе соntinuity оf thе hеat pоtеntials. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 106 (1981), 156-167. MR 0621179
[8] A. Friedman: Partial diffеrеntial еquatiоns оf parabоliс typе. Pгеntiсе-Hall, 1964. MR 0181836
[9] M. Gevrey: Sur lеs еquatiоns aux dérivéеs du typе paгabоliquе. J. Math. Purеs Аppl., 9 (1943), 305-471; 10 (1914), 105-148.
[10] J. Král: Thеоry оf pоtеntiаl I. (Czесh). SPN Prаhа 1965.
[11] J. Král: On thе lоgаrithmiс pоtеntiаl оf thе dоublе distributiоn. Czесh. Mаth. J. 14 (89) 1964, 306-321.
[12] J. Král: Thе Frеdhоlm rаdius оf аn оpеrаtоr in pоtеntiаl thеоry. Czесh. Mаth. J. 15 (90) 1965), 454-473; 565-588.
[13] J. Král: Thе Frеdhоlm mеthоd in pоtеntiаl thеоry. Trаns. А.M.S. 125 (1966), 511 - 547. MR 0209503
[14] J. Král: Flоws оf hеаt. Аtti Ассаd. Nаz. Linсеi, Rеnd. Cl. fis. mаt. е nаt. 46 (1969), fаsс. 2, 60-63.
[15] J. Král: Flоws оf hеаt аnd thе Fоuriег prоblеm. Czесh. Mаth. J. 20 (1970), 556-598. MR 0271554
[16] J. Král: А nоtе оn thе Rоbin prоblеm in pоtеntiаl thеоry. Cоmmеnt. Mаth. Univ. Cаrоlinае 74 (1973), 767-771.
[17] J. Král: Pоtеntiаls аnd bоundаry vаluе prоblеms. 5. Tаgung übег Prоblеmе und Mеthоdеn dеr Mаthеmаtisсhеn Physik. Wissеnsсhаftliсhе Sсhriftеnrеihе dеr Tесhnisсhеn Hосhsсhulе Kаrl-Mаrx-Stаdt 1975, 484-500.
[18] J. Král: Hеаt sоurсеs аnd hеаt pоtеntiаls. Prеpгint.
[19] J. Král J. Lukeš: On thе mоdifiеd lоgаrithmiс pоtеntiаl. Czесh. Mаth. J. 21 (1971), 76-98.
[20] J. Král J. Lukeš: Intеgrаls оf thе Cаuсhy typе. Czесh. Mаth. J. 22 (1972), 663 - 682.
[21] J. Král I. Netuka: Cоntrасtivity оf C. Nеumаnn's оpеrаtоr in pоtеntiаl thеоry. J. Mаth. Аnаl. Аppl. 61 (1977). 607-619.
[22] J. Král I. Netuka J. Veselý: Thеоrу оf pоtеntiаl II, III, IѴ. (Czесh). SPN, Prаhа 1972, 1976, 1977.
[23] C. Г. Muxлuн: Интегpалные уpавнения и иx пpиложения к некотоpым пpоблемам меxаники. математической физики и теxники. ГУTTЛ, Mосква, 1949.
[24] G. Miranda: Integral equation solution of the first initial-boundary value problem for the heat equation in domains with non-smooth boundary. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 23 (1970), 757-765. MR 0265785
[25] S. Mrzena: Continuity of heat potentials. (Czech). Praha, 1976.
[26] Ch. H. Müntz: Zum dynamischen Wärmeleitungsproblem. Math. Z. 38 (19ЗЗ), З2З -ЗЗ7.
[27] I. Netuka: The Robin problem in potential theory. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 12 (1971), 205-211. MR 0287021 | Zbl 0215.42602
[28] I. Netuka: Generalized Robin problem in potential theory. Czech. Math. J. 22 (1972), З12-З24. MR 0294673 | Zbl 0241.31008
[29] I. Netuka: An operator connected with the third boundary value problem in potential theory. Czech. Math. J. 22 (1972), 462-489. MR 0316733 | Zbl 0241.31009
[30] I. Netuka: The third boundary value problem in potential theory. Czech. Math. J. 22 (1972), 554-580. MR 0313528 | Zbl 0242.31007
[31] I. Netuka: A mixed boundary value problem for heat potentials. Comment. Math. Univ. Caгolinae 19 (1978), 207-211. MR 0481054 | Zbl 0388.35029
[32] I. Netuka: Heat potentials and the mixed boundary value problem for the heat equation. (Czech). Praha, 1977.
[33] W. Pogorzelski: Sur la solution de ľéquation intégrale dans le problème de Fourier. Ann. Soc. Polon. Math. 24 (1951), 56-74. MR 0049468
[34] W. Pogorzelski: Integral equations and their applications. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1966. MR 0201934 | Zbl 0137.30502
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[36] A. Tuxoнoв: Oб ypaвнeнии тeплoпpoвoднocти для нecкoлькиx пepeмeнныx. Бюлeтвн Mocк. Гoc. Унив. 1 (1938), 1-45.
[37] A. Tichonov A. Samarskij: Rovnice matematické fyziky. Praha, 1955.
[38] J. Veselý: On the heat potential of the double distribution. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 98 (1973), 181-198. MR 0324058
[39] J. Veselý: On a generalized heat potential. Czech. Math. Ј. 25 (1975), 404-423. MR 0390260
[I] M. Dont: А third boundary value problem for the heat equation I. Czech. Math. Ј. Zbl 0483.35039
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