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partial differential equations; obituary; anniversary; bibliography
[AD] Adams, R. A.: Sobolev Spaces. Academic Press, New York, 1975. MR 0450957 | Zbl 0314.46030
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[KJF] Kufner, A., John, O., Fučík, S.: Function Spaces. Academia, Praha, 1977. MR 0482102
[LA] Ladyzhenskaya, O. A.: The Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible Flow. Second edition, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York, 1969. MR 0254401 | Zbl 0184.52603
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[MA] Malý, J.: Nonisolated singularities of solutions to a quasilinear elliptic system. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 29 (1988), 421–426. MR 0972826
[MEY] Meyers, N. G.: On $L_p$ estimates for the gradient of solutions of second order elliptic divergence equations. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 17 (1963), 189–206. MR 0159110
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[MS] Müller, S., Šverák, V.: Convex integration for Lipschitz functions and counterexamples to regularity. Ann. Math. (2) 158 (2003), 1–23. MR 1983780
[P1] Fučík, S., Kufner, A. (eds.): Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications I . Teubner-Texte vol. 19, Teubner, Leipzig, 1979. MR 0578906
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[SOU] Souček, J.: Nonisolated singularities of solutions to a quasilinear elliptic systems. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 25 (1984), 273–281.
[SS] Serëgin, G., Šverák, V.: Navier-Stokes equations with lower bounds on the pressure. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 163 (2002), 65–86. MR 1905137
[ST] Stein, E. M.: Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. Princeton, 1970. MR 0290095 | Zbl 0207.13501
[SY] Šverák, V., Yan, X.: Non-Lipschitz minimizers of smooth strongly convex functionals. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 15269–15276. MR 1946762
[TA] Tartar, L.: Introduction to oceanography.
[TR] Triebel, H.: Interpolation Theory, Function Spaces, Differential Operators. Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin, 1977, second edition in J. A. Barth Verlag, Heidelberg, 1995. MR 1328645
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[A1] J. Nečas: Les méthodes directes en théorie des équations elliptiques. Academia, Praha, and Masson et Cie, Éditeurs, Paris, 1967. MR 0227584
[A2] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Operators. Springer, Berlin, 1973. MR 0467421
[A3] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, V. Souček: Einführung in die Variationsrechnung. Teubner, Leipzig, 1977. MR 0487654
[A4] J. Nečas, I. Hlaváček: Mathematical Theory of Elastic and Elasto-Plastic Bodies: An Introduction. Studies in Applied Mechanics vol. 3, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1980. MR 0600655
[A5] I. Hlaváček, J. Haslinger, J. Nečas, J. Lovíšek: Riešenie variačných nerovností v mechanike. Alfa, Bratislava, 1982. (Slovak) MR 0755152
[A6] J. Nečas: Introduction to the Theory of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations. Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik vol. 52, Teubner, Leipzig, 1983. MR 0731261
[A7] I. Hlaváček, J. Haslinger, J. Nečas, J. Lovíšek: Reshenie variatsionnykh neravenstv v mekhanike. Mir, Moskva, 1986. MR 0866889
[A8] J. Nečas: Introduction to the Theory of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations. John Wiley, Chichester, 1986. MR 0874752
[A9] I. Hlaváček, J. Haslinger, J. Nečas, J. Lovíšek: Solution of Variational Inequalities in Mechanics. Applied Mathematical Sciences vol. 66, Springer, New York, 1988. MR 0952855
[A10] J. Nečas: Écoulements de fluide: compacité par entropie. RMA: Research Notes in Applied Mathematics vol. 10, Masson, Paris, 1989. MR 1269784
[A11] J. Málek, J. Nečas, M. Rokyta, M. Růžička: Weak and Measure-Valued Solutions to Evolutionary PDEs. Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Computation vol. 13, Chapman & Hall, London, 1996. MR 1409366
[A12] J. Haslinger, I. Hlaváček, J. Nečas: Numerical methods for unilateral problems in solid mechanics. Handbook of Numerical Analysis vol. 4, Ciarlet, P. G. (ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1995, pp. 313–485. MR 1422506
[B1] J. Nečas: Variational Methods for Solutions of Linear Elliptic Equations. ÚTAM ČSAV, 1960. (Czech)
[B2] J. Nečas, A. Kufner: Functional Analytic Methods of Solutions to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. MÚ ČSAV, 1963. (Czech)
[B3] J. Nečas, S. Fučík, V. Souček: Introduction to the Calculus of Variations. SPN, Praha, 1972. (Czech)
[B4] J. Nečas, O. John: Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics. SPN, Praha, 1972. (Czech)
[B5] J. Nečas: Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Elastic and Elasto-Plastic Bodies. SPN, Praha, 1976. (Czech)
[B6] J. Nečas: Regularité des solutions faibles d’equations elliptiques non-linéaires; applications à l’elasticité. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire d’analyse numerique, No. 81046, 1960.
[B7] J. Nečas: On the Regularity of Weak Solutions to Nonlinear Elliptic Systems of Partial Differential Equations. Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, 1979.
[C1] J. Nečas: Influence of outside temperature on the strain of dams and other concrete masses. Appl. Mat. 1 (1956), 103–118. (Czech)
[C2] J. Nečas: Influence of outside temperature on the strain of dams and other concrete masses (second part). Appl. Mat. 1 (1956), 186–199. (Czech)
[C3] D. Mayer, J. Nečas: Das Addieren unendlicher Reihen unter Benützung von Integraltransformationen. Appl. Mat. 1 (1956), 165–185. MR 0099551
[C4] J. Nečas: Une note sur la propriété caractéristique de la transformée de Laplace d’une fonction et sur certains espace de Hilbert $\bar{H}_{kl}$ dont la somme $\sum ^{\infty }_{k=0,l=0}\bar{H}_{kl}$ est l’ensemble des transformées de Laplace de distributions. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 83 (1958), 160–170. (Czech) MR 0103394
[C5] J. Nečas: Solution du problème biharmonique pour le coin infini. I. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 83 (1958), 257–286. MR 0102673
[C6] J. Nečas: Solution du problème biharmonique pour le coin infini. II. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 83 (1958), 399–424. MR 0102673
[C7] J. Nečas: Résolution du problème de Dirichlet pour les équations elliptiques aux dérivées partielles du second ordre. Czechoslovak Math. J. 9 (1959), 467–469. (Russian) MR 0114993
[C8] J. Nečas: Solution du problème biharmonique pour le coin infini pas convex. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 84 (1959), 90–98. (Czech) MR 0107099
[C9] J. Nečas: L’extension de l’espace des conditions aux limites du problème biharmonique pour les domaines à points anguleux. Czechoslovak Math. J. 9 (1959), 339–371. MR 0110900
[C10] J. Nečas: Über Grenzwerte von Funktionen, welche ein endliches Dirichletsches Integral haben. Apl. Mat. 5 (1960), 202–209. MR 0118782
[C11] J. Nečas: Sur les solutions des équations elliptiques aux dérivées partielles du second ordre avec intégrale de Dirichlet non-bornée. Czechoslovak Math. J. 10 (1960), 283–289. (Russian) MR 0114994
[C12] J. Nečas: Sur une méthode pour résoudre les équations aux dérivées partielles du type elliptique, voisine de la variationnelle. Czechoslovak Math. J. 11 (1961), 662–683. MR 0141872
[C13] J. Nečas: Sur le problème de Dirichlet pour l’équation aux dérivées partielles du quatrième ordre du type elliptique. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 31 (1961), 198–231. MR 0126075
[C14] J. Nečas: Application de l’egalité de Rellich aux problémes aux limites. Collége de France, Sem. Eq. Der. Art., 1962, pp. 143–167.
[C15] J. Dvořák, J. Nečas: Determination of stresses in a rectangular wedge by superposition of stressed states of halfplanes. Rev. Math. Pures Appl. (Bucarest) 7 (1962), 467–480. (Russian) MR 0176660
[C16] J. Nečas: On the regularity of solutions of second-order elliptic partial differential equations with an unbounded Dirichlet integral. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 9 (1962), 134–144. MR 0142876
[C17] J. Nečas: On domains of type $N$. Czechoslovak Math. J. 12 (1962), 274–287. (Russian) MR 0152734
[C18] J. Nečas: Sur une méthode pour résoudre les équations aux dérivées partielles du type elliptique, voisine de la variationnelle. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 16 (1962), 305–326. MR 0163054
[C19] J. Nečas: Sur l’existence de la solution classique du problème de Poisson pour les domaines plans. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 16 (1962), 285–296. MR 0165225
[C20] J. Nečas: On the solution of elliptic partial differential equations with an unbounded Dirichlet integral. Differential Equations and Their Applications (Proc. Conf., Praha, 1962), Publ. House Czechoslovak Acad. Sci., Praha, 1963, pp. 93–104. MR 0170092
[C21] J. Nečas: Sur la coercivité des formes bilinéaires pour les equations elliptiques. Atti del VII Congresso UMI Genova 1–2 (1963).
[C22] J. Nečas: Sur les équations différentielles aux dérivées partielles du type elliptique du deuxième ordre. Czechoslovak Math. J. 14 (1964), 125–146. MR 0174854
[C23] J. Nečas: Sur la coercivité des formes sesquilinéaires, elliptiques. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 9 (1964), 47–69. MR 0179457
[C24] J. Nečas: L’application de l’égalité de Rellich sur les systèmes elliptiques du deuxième ordre. J. Math. Pures Appl. 44 (1965), 133–147. MR 0181828
[C25] J. Nečas: Sur une méthode générale pour la solution des problèmes aux limites non-linéaires. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 20 (1966), 655–674. MR 0208153
[C26] J. Nečas, Z. Poracká: On extrema of functionals. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 7 (1966), 509–520. MR 0208440
[C27] J. Nečas: Sur la méthode variationnelle pour les équations aux dérivées partielles non linéaires du type elliptique; l’existence et la régularité des solutions. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 7 (1966), 301–317. MR 0206470
[C28] J. Nečas: Sur les normes equivalentes dans $W^k_p$ et sur la coercivité des formes formellement positives. Sem. Math. Sup. Université Montréal (1966), 102–128.
[C29] J. Kadlec, J. Nečas: Sulla regolarità delle soluzioni di equazioni ellittiche negli spazi ${H}^{k,\lambda }$. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 21 (1967), 527–545. MR 0223723
[C30] J. Nečas: Sur l’appartenance dans la classe ${C}^{(k),\,\mu }$ des solutions variationnelles des équations elliptiques non-linéaires de l’ordre $2k$ en deux dimensions. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 8 (1967), 209–217. MR 0217419
[C31] J. Nečas: Sur la régularité des solutions faibles des equations elliptiques non-lineaires. Collége de France (1967–1968), 20–57.
[C32] J. Nečas: Sur l’existence de la solution régulière pour le problème de Dirichlet de l’équation elliptique non-linéaire d’ordre $2k$. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 42 (1967), 347–354. MR 0222452
[C33] J. Nečas: Sur la régularité des solutions variationelles des équations elliptiques non-linéaires d’ordre $2k$ en deux dimensions. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 21 (1967), 427–457. MR 0226467
[C34] J. Nečas: On the existence and regularity of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations. Acta Fac. Rer. Nat. Univ. Comenianae Math. 17 (1967), 101–119. MR 0273183
[C35] J. Nečas: On the existence and regularity of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations. Diff. Equations and Their Applications, Equadiff 2 (Proc. Conf., Bratislava, 1966), pp. 101–119. MR 0273183
[C36] A. Kufner, J. Nečas: In memoriam Jana Kadlece. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 92 (1967), 490–492. (Czech) MR 0226982
[C37] A. Kufner, J. Nečas: In memoriam of Jan Kadlec. Czechoslovak Math. J. 18 (1968), 190–192. MR 0226982
[C38] J. Nečas: Sur la régularité des solutions faibles des équations elliptiques non linéaires. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 9 (1968), 365–413. MR 0241804
[C39] J. Nečas: Convergence of a method for solving the magnetostatic field in nonlinear media. Appl. Math. 13 (1968), 456–465.
[C40] J. Nečas: Les équations elliptiques non-linéaires. Czechoslovak Math. J. 19 (1969), 252–274. MR 0252829
[C41] J. Nečas: Sur l’alternative de Fredholm pour les opérateurs non-linéaires avec applications aux problèmes aux limites. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 23 (1969), 331–345. MR 0267430
[C42] J. Nečas: Integral transforms (Operational calculus) Survey of Applicable Mathematics. Iliffe books LTD, London, 1969, pp. 1125–1136.
[C43] J. Nečas, Z. Poracká, R. Kodnár: Remarks on a nonlinear theory of thin elastic plates. Mat. Čas. Slovensk. Akad. Vied 20 (1970), 62–71. MR 0303085
[C44] I. Hlaváček, J. Nečas: On inequalities of Korn’s type. I. Boundary-value problems for elliptic system of partial differential equations. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 36 (1970), 305–311. MR 0252844
[C45] I. Hlaváček, J. Nečas: On inequalities of Korn’s type. II. Applications to linear elasticity. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 36 (1970), 312–334. MR 0252845
[C46] J. Nečas: The discreteness of the spectrum of a nonlinear Sturm-Liouville equation. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 201 (1971), 1045–1048. (Russian) MR 0291547
[C47] A. Kratochvíl, J. Nečas: The discreteness of the spectrum of a nonlinear Sturm-Liouville equation of fourth order. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 12 (1971), 639–653. (Russian) MR 0291882
[C48] J. Nečas: On the demiregularity of weak solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 77 (1971), 151–156. MR 0268512
[C49] J. Nečas: Fredholm alternatives and application to boundary value problems. Trudy 3. sovetsko-chekhoslovackogo soveschanija, Novosibirsk, 1972, SOAN SSSR 1972, 162–171. (Russian) MR 0420358
[C50] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Strengthening upper bound for the number of critical levels of nonlinear functionals. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 13 (1972), 297–310. MR 0305169
[C51] J. Nečas, J. Stará: Principio di massimo per i sistemi ellittici quasi-lineari non diagonali. Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. 6 (1972), 1–10. MR 0315281
[C52] S. Fučík, J. Nečas: Ljusternik-Schnirelmann theorem and nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Math. Nachr. 53 (1972), 277–289. MR 0333863
[C53] J. Nečas: Remark on the Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators with application to nonlinear integral equations of generalized Hammerstein type. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 13 (1972), 109–120. MR 0305171
[C54] J. Nečas: Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators and applications to partial differential equations and integral equations. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 97 (1972), 65–71. MR 0308882
[C55] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: New infinite dimensional versions of Morse-Sard theorem. Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. 6 (1972), 317–322. MR 0324724
[C56] S. Fučík, O. John, J. Nečas: On the existence of Schauder bases in Sobolev spaces. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 13 (1972), 163–175. MR 0306890
[C57] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Upper bound for the number of critical levels for nonlinear operators in Banach spaces of the type of second order nonlinear partial differential operators. J. Funct. Anal. 11 (1972), 314–333. MR 0341224
[C58] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Upper bound for the number of eigenvalues for nonlinear operators. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 13 (1972), 191–195. MR 0305168
[C59] J. Nečas: On the discreteness to the spectrum of a nonlinear Sturm-Liouville equation of the fourth order. Trudy 3. sovetsko-chekhoslovackogo soveschanija, Novosibirsk, SOAN SSSR (1972), 107–121. (Russian) MR 0291547
[C60] S. Fučík, J. Nečas: Spectral theory of nonlinear operators. Proceedings of Equadiff 3, Folia Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Purkynianae Brunensis, Ser. Monograph., Tomus 1, 1973, pp. 163–174. MR 0350551
[C61] J. Nečas: Variational methods in nonlinear elasticity. Acta Polytechnica (1973), 129–133. (Czech)
[C62] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Note to nonlinear spectral theory: application to the nonlinear integral equations of the Lichtenstein type. Math. Nachr. 58 (1973), 257–267. MR 0340998
[C63] J. Nečas, J. Kratochvíl: On the existence of solutions of boundary-value problems for elastic-inelastic solids. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 14 (1973), 755–760. MR 0337100
[C64] J. Nečas: On the formulation of the traction problem for the flow theory of plasticity. Apl. Mat. 18 (1973), 119–127. MR 0314342
[C65] S. Fučík, A. Kratochvíl, J. Nečas: Kačanov-Galerkin method. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 14 (1973), 651–659. MR 0365300
[C66] J. Nečas: Range of nonlinear operators and application to boundary value problems. Math. Balcanica 3 (1973), 383–387. MR 0372702
[C67] J. Nečas: On the range of nonlinear operators with linear asymptotes which are not invertible. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 14 (1973), 63–72. MR 0318995
[C68] J. Nečas: Fredholm theory of boundary value problems for nonlinear ordinary differential operators. Proceedings of Summer School at Babylon in 1971, Academia, Praha, 1973, pp. 85–119. MR 0402562
[C69] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Upper bound for the number of eigenvalues for nonlinear operators. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 27 (1973), 53–71. MR 0372918
[C70] J. Nečas: Mathematical models of elastic-inelastic materials. Schriftenreihe Zentralinst. Math. Mech. Akad. Wiss. DDR, No. 20 (1974), 227–232. MR 0351222
[C71] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Krasnoselskii’s main bifurcation theorem. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 54 (1974), 328–339. MR 0380538
[C72] J. Nečas, J. Naumann: On a boundary value problem in nonlinear theory of thin elastic plates. Apl. Mat. 19 (1974), 7–16. MR 0338557
[C73] S. Fučík, M. Kučera, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Morse-Sard theorem in infinite dimensional Banach spaces and investigation of the set of all critical levels. Čas. Pěst. Mat. 99 (1974), 217–243. MR 0370649
[C74] J. Nečas: Application of Rothe’s method to abstract parabolic equations. Czechoslovak Math. J. 24 (1974), 496–500. MR 0348571
[C75] S. Fučík, A. Kratochvíl, J. Nečas: Kačanov-Galerkin method and its application. Acta Univ. Carolin.-Math. et Phys. 15 (1974), 31–33. MR 0386423
[C76] J. Nečas: On regularity of solutions to nonlinear variational inequalities for second-order elliptic systems. Rend. Mat. 8 (1975), 481–498. MR 0382827
[C77] O. John, J. Nečas: On the solvability of von Kármán equations. Apl. Mat. 20 (1975), 48–62. MR 0380099
[C78] S. Fučík, A. Kratochvíl, J. Nečas: Kačanov’s method and its application. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 20 (1975), 907–916. MR 0669240
[C79] S. Fučík, M. Kučera, J. Nečas: Ranges of nonlinear asymptotically linear operators. J. Differ. Eq. 17 (1975), 375–394. MR 0372696
[C80] J. Nečas: An approximate method for finding the critical points of even functionals. Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov. 134 (1975), 235–239. MR 0391169
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[C99] M. Giaquinta, J. Nečas: On the regularity of weak solutions to nonlinear elliptic systems of partial differential equations. J. Reine Angew. Math. 316 (1980), 140–159. MR 0581329
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[C101] J. Nečas, L. Trávníček: Evolutionary variational inequalities and applications in plasticity. Apl. Mat. 25 (1980), 241–256. MR 0583585
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[C132] M. Feistauer, J. Nečas: Viscosity method in a transonic flow. Comm. Partial Differ. Equ. 13 (1988), 775–812. MR 0940958
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[C135] A. Friedman, J. Nečas: Systems of nonlinear wave equations with nonlinear viscosity. Pacific J. Math. 135 (1988), 29–55. MR 0965683
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[C138] J. Nečas, A. Novotný, M. Šilhavý: Global solution to the ideal compressible heat conductive multipolar fluid. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 30 (1989), 551–564. MR 1031872
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[C145] H. Bellout, F. Bloom, J. Nečas: Global existence of weak solutions to the nonlinear transmission line problem. Nonlin. Anal. 17 (1991), 903–921. MR 1135950
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[C148] J. Nečas, A. Novotný: Some qualitative properties of the viscous compressible heat conductive multipolar fluid. Comm. Partial Differ. Equ. 16 (1991), 197–220. MR 1104099
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[C156] J. Nečas, M. Růžička: Global solution to the incompressible viscous-multipolar material problem. J. Elasticity 29 (1992), 175–202. MR 1184264
[C157] J. Jarušek, J. Málek, J. Nečas, V. Šverák: Variational inequality for a viscous drum vibrating in the presence of an obstacle. Rend. Mat. Appl. 12 (1993), 943–958. MR 1218596
[C158] H. Bellout, F. Bloom, J. Nečas: Solutions for incompressible non-Newtonian fluids. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 317 (1993), 795–800. MR 1244433
[C159] H. Bellout, F. Bloom, J. Nečas: Existence of global weak solutions to the dynamical problem for a three-dimensional elastic body with singular memory. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 24 (1993), 36–45. MR 1199525
[C160] J. Málek, J. Nečas, M. Růžička: On the non-Newtonian incompressible fluids. Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 3 (1993), 35–63. MR 1203271
[C161] J. Nečas: Theory of multipolar fluids. Problems and Methods in Mathematical Physics (Chemnitz, 1993), Teubner-Texte Math., Teubner, Stuttgart, 1994, pp. 111–119. MR 1288320
[C162] H. Bellout, F. Bloom, J. Nečas: Young measure-valued solutions for non-Newtonian incompressible fluids. Comm. Partial Differ. Equ. 19 (1994), 1763–1803. MR 1301173
[C163] Ch. P. Gupta, Y. C. Kwong, J. Nečas: Landesman-Lazer condition for properly elliptic operators. Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. A  8 (1994), 65–74. MR 1273188
[C164] H. Bellout, J. Nečas: Existence of global weak solutions for a class of quasilinear hyperbolic integro-differential equations describing viscoelastic materials. Math. Ann. 299 (1994), 275–291. MR 1275768
[C165] H. Bellout, F. Bloom, J. Nečas: Bounds for the dimensions of the attractors of nonlinear bipolar viscous fluids. Asymptotic Anal. 11 (1995), 131–167. MR 1350404
[C166] H. Bellout, F. Bloom, J. Nečas: Existence, uniqueness, and stability of solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for bipolar viscous fluids. Differ. Int. Equ. 8 (1995), 453–464. MR 1296135
[C167] H. Bellout, F. Bloom, J. Nečas: Bounds for the dimensions of the attractors of nonlinear bipolar viscous fluids. Asymp. Anal. 11 (1995), 131–167. MR 1350404
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[C169] H. Bellout, J. Nečas: The exterior problem in the plane for a non-Newtonian incompressible bipolar viscous fluid. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 26 (1996), 1245–1260. MR 1447585
[C170] J. Nečas, M. Růžička, V. Šverák: Sur une remarque de J. Leray concernant la construction de solutions singulières des équations de Navier-Stokes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 323 (1996), 245–249. MR 1404768
[C171] J. Nečas, M. Růžička, V. Šverák: On Leray’s self-similar solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Acta Math. 176 (1996), 283–294. MR 1397564
[C172] Wenge Hao, S. Leonardi, J. Nečas: An example of irregular solution to a nonlinear Euler-Lagrange elliptic system with real analytic coefficients. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4) 23 (1996), 57–67. MR 1401417
[C173] J. Málek, J. Nečas: A finite-dimensional attractor for three-dimensional flow of incompressible fluids. J. Differ. Equ. 127 (1996), 498–518. MR 1389407
[C174] S. Leonardi, J. Málek, J. Nečas, M. Pokorný: On axially symmetric flows in $R^3$. Z. Anal. Anwend. 18 (1999), 639–649. MR 1718156
[C175] J. Málek, J. Nečas, M. Pokorný, M. E. Schonbeck: On possible singular solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Math. Nachr. 199 (1999), 97–114. MR 1676326
[C176] H. Bellout, J. Nečas, K. Rajagopal: On the existence and uniqueness of flows of multipolar fluids of grade 3 and their stability. Int. Journ. Eng. Sciences 37 (1999), 75–96. MR 1669936
[C177] F. Mošna, J. Nečas: Nonlinear hyperbolic equations with dissipative temporal and spatial non-local memory. Z. Anal. Anwend. 18 (1999), 939–951. MR 1736259
[C178] J. Málek, J. Nečas, M. Růžička: On the weak solutions to a class of non-Newtonian incompressible fluids in bounded three-dimensional domains: the case $p\ge 2$. Adv. Differ. Equ. 6 (2001), 257–302. MR 1799487
[C179] J. Nečas, T. Roubíček: Buoyancy-driven viscous flow with $L^1$-data. Nonlin. Anal. Ser. A: Theory Methods 46 (2001), 737–755. MR 1857155
[C180] E. Behr, J. Nečas, H. Wu: On blow up of solution for Euler equations. M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 35 (2001), 229–238. MR 1825697
[C181] J. Málek, J. Nečas, K. R. Rajagopal: Global analysis of the flows of fluids with pressure-dependent viscosities. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 165 (2002), 243–269. MR 1941479
[C182] J. Nečas, J. Neustupa: New conditions for local regularity of a suitable weak solution to the Navier-Stokes equation. J. Math. Fluid Mech. 4 (2002), 237–256. MR 1932862
[C183] J. Málek, J. Nečas, K. R. Rajagopal: Global existence of solutions for flows of fluids with pressure and shear dependent viscosities. Appl. Math. Lett. 15 (2002), 961–967. MR 1925921
[C184] H. Bellout, E. Cornea, J. Nečas: On the concept of very weak $L^2$ solutions to Euler’s equations. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 33 (2002), 995–1006. MR 1897698
[C185] J. Hron, J. Málek, J. Nečas, K. R. Rajagopal: Numerical simulations and global existence of solutions of two-dimensional flows of fluids with pressure- and shear-dependent viscosities. Modelling 2001 (Pilsen), Math. Comput. Simulation 61 (2003), 297–315. MR 1984133
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