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[1] H. Amann: Lusternik-Schnirelman theory and non-linear eigenvalue problems. Math. Ann. 199, 1972, 55-72. MR 0350536
[2] F. E. Browder: Problemes non-lineaires. University Montreal, 1965.
[3] F. E. Browder: Infinite dimensional manifolds and nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Ann. of Math. 82, 1965, 459-477. MR 0203249
[4] Z. Ciesielski J. Domsta: Construction of an orthonormal basis in $C^m(I^d)$ and $W_p^m(I^d)$. Studia Math. 41, 1972, 211-224. MR 0310607
[5] Э. C. Цитланадзе: Теория существования точек минимакса в пространствах Банаха и их периложения. Tpуды Mocк. Maм. o-вa 2 (1952), 235-274. Zbl 1145.11324
[6] Ю. A. Дубинский: Heлинейные еллиптические и параболические уравнения высшего порядка. Уcnexи мaт. нayк 23 (139), 1968, 45-90. MR 0228826 | Zbl 0279.01009
[7] P. Enflo: A counterexample to the approximation problem. Acta Math. 130, 1973, 309-317. MR 0402468 | Zbl 0267.46012
[8] S. Fučík: Note on Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 12, 1971, 213-226. MR 0288641
[9] S. Fučík: Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators in Banach spaces and its applications to differential and integral equations. Čas. pěst. mat. 96, 1971, 371 - 390. MR 0326502
[10] S. Fučík: Surjectivity of operators involving linear noninvertible compact perturbation. Funkc. Ekvacioj 17, 1974, 73-83. MR 0365255
[11] S. Fučík: Nonlinear equations with noninvertible linear part. Czech. Math. Journal 24 (99), 1974, 467-495. MR 0348568
[12] S. Fučík: Further remark on a theorem by E. M. Landesman and A. C Lazer. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 15, 1974, 259-272. MR 0348260
[13] S. Fučík O. John J. Nečas: On the existence of Schauder bases in Sobolev spaces. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 13, 1972, 163-175. MR 0306890
[14] S. Fučík M.Kučera J. Nečas: Ranges of nonlinear assymptotically linear operators. Journ. Diff. Eq. 17, 1975, 375-394. MR 0372696
[15] S. Fučík, M. Kučera, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Morse-Sard theorem in infinite dimensional spaces and the investigation of critical levels. Čas. pěst. mat. 99, 1974, 217-243. MR 0370649
[16] S. Fučík, J. Nečas: Ljusternik-Schnirelmann theorem and nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Math. Nachr. 53, 72, 277-289. MR 0333863
[17] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček- V. Souček: New infinite dimensional versions of Morse-Sard theorem. Boll. U. Mat. Ital. 6, 1972, 317-322. MR 0324724
[18] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Upper bound for the number of critical levels for nonlinear operators in Banach spaces of the type of second order nonlinear differential operators. Journ. Funct. Anal. 11, 1972, 314-333. MR 0341224
[19] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Upper bound for the number of eigenvalues for nonlinear operators. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 27, 1973, 53 - 71. MR 0372918
[20] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Operators. Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 346, Springer-Verlag 1973. MR 0467421
[21] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: Note to nonlinear spectral theory: Application to the nonlinear integral equations of the Lichtenstein type. Math. Nachr. 58, 1973, 257-267. MR 0340998
[22] S. Fučík, J. Nečas, J. Souček, V. Souček: M. A. Krasnosel'skij's main bifurcation theorem. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 54, 1974, 328-339. MR 0380538
[23] S. Fučík, Tran Dien Hien: Note to nonlinear spectral theory: Application to boundary value problems for ordinary integrodifferential equations. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 14, 1973, 583-608. MR 0333631
[24] P. Hess: On a theorem by Landesman and Lazer. Indiana U. Math. J. 23, 1974, 827-829. MR 0352687 | Zbl 0259.35036
[25] P. И. Kaчypoвcкuй: Heлинeйныe мoнoтoнныe oпepaтopы в бaнaxoвыx пpocтpaнcтвax. Уcпexи Maт. Hayк 23, 1968, 121-168.
[26] M. A. Kpacнoceльcкuй: Toпoлorичecкиe мeтoды в тeopии нeлинeйныx интeгpaльныx ypaвнeний. Mocквa 1956.
[27] A. Kpamoxвuл, И. Heчac: O диcкpeтнocти cпeктpa нeлинeйнoгo ypaвнeния Штypмa-Лиyвилля чeтвepтoгo пopядкa. Пpимeнeниe фyнкциoнaльныx мeтoдoв к кpaeвым зaдaчaм мaтeмaтичecкoй физики, Maтepиaлы З-гo Coвeтcкo-Чexocлoвaцкoгo coвeщaния (мaй 1971 г.), Hoвocибиpcк 1972, cтp. 107-121.
[28] A. Kpamoxвuл, И. Heчac: O диcкpeтнocти cпeктpa нeлинeйнoгo ypaвнeния Штypмa-Лиyвилля чeтвepтoгo пopядкa. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 12, 1971, 639-653.
[29] M. Kučera: Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 11, 1970, ЗЗ7-З6З. MR 0267429
[30] M. Kučera: Hausdorff measures of the set of critical values of functions of the class $C_{k,\,\lambda}$. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 13, 1972, ЗЗЗ - 350. MR 0305421
[31] E. M. Landesman-A. C. Lazer: Nonlinear perturbations of linear elliptic boundary value problems at resonance. Journ. Math. Mech. 19, 1970, 609-623. MR 0267269 | Zbl 0193.39203
[32] J. Leray, J. L. Lions: Quelques résultats de Višik sur les problèmes elliptiques nonlinéaires par les méthodes de Minty-Browder. Bull. Soc. Math. France 93, 1965, 97-107. MR 0194733
[33] Л. A. Люcmepнuк, Л. Г. Шнupeльмaн: Пpимeнeниe тoпoлoгии к вapиaциoнным зaдaчaм. Tpуды 2-oгo вcecoюз. мaт. cъeздa 1, 1935, 224-237.
[34] J. Nečas: Sur ľalternative de Fredholm pour les opérateurs non-linéaires avec applications aux limites. Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa 23, 1969, ЗЗ1 -345. MR 0267430
[35] J. Nečas: Remark on the Fredholm alternative for non-linear operators with application to nonlinear integral equations of generalized Hammerstein type. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 13, 1972, 109-120. MR 0305171
[36] J. Nečas: Fredholm alternative for nonlinear operators and application to partial differential equations and integral equations. Čas. pěst. mat. 97, 1972, 65 - 71. MR 0308882
[37] И. Heчac: O диcкpeтнocти cпeктpa нeлинeйнoгo ypaвнeния Штypмa-Лиyвилля. Дoкл. Aкaд. Hayк CCCP 201, 1971, 1045-1048.
[38] И. Heчac: Aльтepнaтивы Фpeдгoльмa и иx пpилoжeния к кpaeвым зaдaчaм. Пpимeнeниe фyнкциoнaльныx мeтoдoв к кpaeвым зaдaчaм мaтeмaтичecкoй физики, Maтepиaлы 3-гo Coвeтcкo-Чexocлoвaцкoгo coвeщaния (мaй 1971 г.), Hoвocибиpcк 1972, cтp. 162-171.
[39] J. Nečas: Spectral analysis of nonlinear operators. Proc. Czech. summer school, Babylon 1971, Theory of nonlinear operators, Academia, Prague 1973, pp. 85-119. MR 0402562
[40] J. Nečas: On the ranges of nonlinear operators with linear asymptotes which are not invertible. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 14, 1973, 63-72. MR 0318995
[41] W. V. Petryshyn: Nonlinear equations involving noncompact operators. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. Vol. 18, Part 1, Nonlinear functional analysis, Rhode Island 1970. MR 0271789 | Zbl 0232.47070
[42] C. И. Пoxoжaeв: O paзpeшимocти нeлинeйныx ypaвнeний c нeчeтными oпepaтopaми. Фyнкц. aнaлиз и eгo пpил. т. 1, 1967, 66-73.
[43] J. Souček, V. Souček: The Morse-Sard theorem for real-analytic functions. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 13, 1972, 45 - 51. MR 0308345
[44] V. Souček: O spektгu nelineárních operátorů. (кaндидaтcкaя диccepтaция), Praha 1973.
[45] H. Triebel: Über die Existenz von Schauderbasen in Sobolev-Besov-Räumen. Isomorphiebeziehungen. Studia Math. XLJV9 1973, 83-100. MR 0338771 | Zbl 0251.46032
[46] S. A. Williams: A sharp sufficient condition foг solution of a nonlinear boundary value problem. Јourn. Diff. Eq. 8, 1970, 580-586. MR 0267267
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