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MSC: 68T01, 91E10
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[10] D. Dörner: Die kognitive Organisation beim Problemlösen. H. Huber, Bern 1974.
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[12] R. Groner: Hypothesen im Denkprozess. H. Huber, Bern 1978. -
[13] M. I. Posner, P. McLeod: Information processing models. In search of elementary operations. Ann. Rev. Psychol. 33 (1982), 447-514.
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[16] M. Minsky: A framework for representing knowledge. In: Psychology of Computer Vision (P. H. Winston, ed.), McGraw Hill, New York 1975, pp. 211-277. MR 0405956
[17] R. A. Abelson: Psychological status of the script concept. Amer. Psychologis 36 (1981), 7, 715-729.
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[20] F. Klix: Die kognitive Psychologie: Methodologische, methodische, theoretische und praktische Konsequenzen für die Psychologie und angrenzende Wissenschaften. In: Psychologie im Sozialismus (A. Kossakowski, Hrsg.), DVW Berlin 1980, pp. 36 - 54.
[21] W. A. Wickelgren: Cognitive Psychology. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs 1979.
[22] H. A. Simon: Models of Thought. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven-London 1979.
[23] J. Rasmussen: The human as a systems component. In: Human Interaction with Computer, Academic Press, London 1980, pp. 67-96.
[24] J. Linhart: Činnost a poznávání. (Activity and Cognitive Processes). Academia, Praha 1976.
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[26] M. Stríženec: Mentálne zobrazenie. (Mental Representation). Čs. psychol. 26 (1982), 6, 534-546.
[27] M. Stríženec, Z. Droppová: Certain results concerning mental transformation. Studia psychol. 21 (1979), 1, 45-51.
[28] P. H. Winston: Artificial Intelligence. Addison-Wesley, Reading 1977. MR 0664438 | Zbl 0358.68134
[29] O. R. Tichomirov: "Isskustvennyj intelekt" i psichologija. Nauka, Moskva 1976.
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