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[1] Zermelo E.: Über eine Anwendung der Mengenlehre auf die Theorie des Schachspiels. Proceedings of the Fifth Intern. Congress of Mathematicians (Cambridge 1912), Cambridge University Press, 1913, 501 - 504. Ruský překlad ve sborníku [9], 167-172.
[2] von Neumann J.: Zur Theorie der Gesellschaftsspiele. Mathem. Annalen 700 (1928), 295 - 230. Anglický překlad ve sborníku [7], 13 - 42. Ruský překlad ve sborníku [9], 173-204.
[3] von Neumann J., Morgenstern O.: Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. Princeton 1944; 2. vyd. 1947; 3. vyd. 1953. Do němčiny přeloženo r. 1961 (Physica-Verlag, Wurzburg). Zbl 0063.05930
[4] Contributions to the Theory of Games, vol. I. Annals of Math. Study No. 24. Princeton 1950.
[5] Contributions to the Theory of Games, vol. II. Annals of Math. Study No. 28. Princeton 1953.
[6] Contributions to the Theory of Games, vol. III. Annals of Math. Study No. 39. Princeton 1957. Zbl 0078.31001
[7] Contributions to the Theory of Games, vol. IV. Annals of Math. Study No. 40. Princeton 1959. Připojena bibliografie z teorie her, cca 1000 bibliografických údajů. Zbl 0085.12903
[8] Advances in Game Theory. Annals of Math. Study No. 52. Princeton 1964. Zbl 0124.00108
[9] Maтричные игры. Н. Н. Воробьев. Москва 1961.
[10] Бесконечные антагонистические игры. Ред. Н. Н. Воробьев. Москва 1963. Zbl 1145.93303
[11] Позиционные игры. Ред. Н. Н. Воробьев. Москва 1967. Zbl 1103.35360
[12] Blackwell D., Girshick M. A.: Teorie her a statistického rozhodování. NČSAV, Praha 1964. Přeloženo z anglického originálu Theory of Games and Statistical Decisions, New York 1954. (Vyšlo též rusky.) MR 0070134
[13] Williams J. D.: Dokonalý stratég aneb slabikář teorie strategických her. Orbis, Praha 1966. Přeloženo z anglického originálu The Compleat Strategist etc., New York 1954. (Ruský překlad z r. 1960.)
[14] Šubert B.: O teorii strategických her. Ekonomicko-matematický obzor 3 (1967), 1, 1 - 28. MR 0207406
[15] Winkelbauer K.: Strategické hry. Vesmír 43 (1964), 3, 72-74.
[16] Winkelbauer K.: Šach a teorie her. Ve sborníku Problémy kybernetiky, NČSAV, Praha 1965, 41-67.
[17] Winkelbauer K.: Strategické hry. Skripta k přednáškám na semináři o teorii her konaném 1.-3. VI. 1966. Přednášeli: B. Šubert a K. Winkelbauer. Vyd. Socialistická akademie (I., II., III. díl), Praha 1967 (rozmnoženo, 172 str.). MR 0258474
[18] McKinsey J. C. C.: Introduction to the Theory of Games. New York 1952. (Též přeloženo do ruštiny.) MR 1988431 | Zbl 0049.09510
[19] Luce R. D., Raiffa H.: Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical Survey. New York 1957. S rozsáhlou bibliografií. (Též přeloženo do ruštiny.) MR 0087572 | Zbl 0084.15704
[20] Berge C.: Théorie génerále des jeux á n personnes. Paris 1957. (Vyšlo též v ruském překladu.) MR 0099259 | Zbl 0082.34702
[21] Karlin S.: Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming, and Economics. London 1959. (Též v ruském překladu.)
[22] Gale D.: The Theory of Linear Economic Models. McGraw-Hill, New York 1960. MR 0115801
[23] Schelling T. C.: The Strategy of Conflict. Cambridge (Mass.), 1960.
[24] Dresher M.: Games of Strategy: Theory and Applications. Prentice-Hall Appl. Math. Ser., Englewood Cliffs (N. J.), 1961. (Ruský překlad z r. 1964.) MR 0122586 | Zbl 0096.14701
[25] Isaacs R.: Differential Games. Wiley, New York 1965. (Přeloženo do ruštiny r. 1967.) MR 0218124 | Zbl 0125.38001
[26] Savage L. J.: The Foundations of Statistics. Wiley, New York 1954. MR 0063582 | Zbl 0055.12604
[27] Wald A.: Statistical Decision Functions. Wiley, New York 1950. MR 0036976 | Zbl 0040.36402
[28] Fleisher I.: Numerical Representation of Utility. Journ. Soc. Industr. Appl. Math. 9 (1961), 48-50. MR 0122551
[29] Luce R. D.: Utility Theory. Mathematics and Social Sciences, Proceedings of the Seminars of Menthon-Saint-Bernard and of Gosing (1960, 1962), Mouton & Co., the Hague 1965, 55-71.
[30] Anscombe F. J., Aumann R. J.: A Definition of Subjective Probability. Ann. Math. Statist. 34 (1963), 199-205. MR 0145561 | Zbl 0114.07204
[31] Nash J. F.: Equilibrium Points in n-Person Games. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 36 (1950), 48-49. MR 0031701 | Zbl 0036.01104
[32] Nash J. F.: Non-Cooperative Games. Annals of Mathem. 54, No. 2 (1951), 286-295. MR 0043432 | Zbl 0045.08202
[33] Воробьев H. H.: Конечные безкоаличные игры. Усп. матем. наук 14 (1959), 21-56. MR 0122584 | Zbl 1234.81002
[34] Воробьев H. H.: Ситуации равновесия в биматричных играх. Теория вероятн. и ее прим 3 (1958), вып. 3, 318-331. MR 0100515 | Zbl 1225.70002
[35] Kuhn H. W.: An Algorithm for Equilibrium Points in Bimatrix Games. Proc. N.A.S. 47 (1961), 1657-1662. MR 0135997 | Zbl 0171.40902
[36] Lemke C. E., Howson J. T. jr.: Equilibrium Points of Bimatrix Games. Journ. Soc. Industr. Appl. Math. 12 (1964), 413-423. MR 0173556 | Zbl 0128.14804
[37] Harsanyi J. C.: Rationality Postulates for Bargaining Solutions in Cooperative and in Non-Cooperative Games. Management Sci. 9 (1962), 141-153. MR 0149968 | Zbl 0995.91502
[38] Harsanyi J. C.: A General Solution for Finite Non-Cooperative Games, Based on Risk-Dominance. Ve sborníku [8], 651 - 679. Zbl 0129.34504
[39] Aumann R. J., Maschler M.: The Bargaining Set for Cooperative Games. Ve sborníku [8], 443-476. MR 0176842 | Zbl 0132.14003
[40] Davis M., Maschler M.: Existence of Stable Payoff Configurations for Cooperative Games. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 69 (1963), 106-108. MR 0144791 | Zbl 0114.12501
[41] Peleg B.: Bargaining Sets of Cooperative Games without Side Payments. Israel Journ. Math. 1 (1963), 197-200. MR 0172725 | Zbl 0212.25102
[42] Aumann R. J.: Acceptable Points in General Cooperative n-Person Games. Ve sborníku [7], 287-324. MR 0104521 | Zbl 1054.91502
[43] Randstrom H.: A Property of Stability Possessed by Certain Imputations. Ve sborníku [8], 513-529. MR 0169706
[44] Воробьев H. H.: О коалиционных играх. Докл. AH CCCP 124, (1959), 253-256. MR 0102447 | Zbl 1234.81002
[45] Nash J. F.: Two-Person Cooperative Games. Econometrica 21 (1953), 128-140. MR 0053471 | Zbl 0050.14102
[46] Zeuthen F.: Problems of Monopoly and Economic Warfare. London 1930.
[47] Harsanyi J. C.: On the Rationality Postulates Underlying the Theory of Cooperative Games. Journ. Conflict Resolution 5 (June 1961), 179-196.
[48] Harsanyi J. C.: A Bargaining Model for the Cooperative n-Person Game. Ve sborníku [7], 325-355. MR 0105320 | Zbl 0084.36501
[49] Harsanyi J. C.: A Simplified Bargaining Model for the n-Person Cooperative Game. Intern. Econ. Review 4 (1963), 194-220. Zbl 0118.15103
[50] Miyasawa K.: The n-Person Bargaining Game. Ve sborníku [8], 547-575. MR 0168385 | Zbl 0124.12303
[51] Shapley L. S.: A Value for n-Person Games. Ve sborníku [5], 307-317. MR 0053477 | Zbl 0701.90097
[52] Selten R.: Valuation of n-Person Games. Ve sborníku [8], 577-626. MR 0163781 | Zbl 0125.38102
[53] Gillies D. B.: Solutions to General Non-Zero Sum Games. Ve sborníku [7], 47-85. MR 0106116 | Zbl 0085.13106
[54] Thrall R. M., Lucas W. F.: n-Person Games in Partition Function Form. Naval Res. Logist. Quart. 10 (1963), 281-298. MR 0169703 | Zbl 0229.90056
[55] Aumann R. J., Peleg B.: Von Neumann-Morgenstern Solutions to Cooperative Games without Side Payments. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 66 (1960), 173-179. MR 0120045 | Zbl 0096.14706
[56] Aumann R. J.: Cooperative Games without Side Payments. Recent Advances in Game Theory, Proceedings of a Princeton University Conference (October 1961), Princeton 1962 (rozmnoženo), 83-99.
[57] Aumann R. J.: The Core of a Cooperative Game without Side Payments. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 98 (1961), 539-552. MR 0127437 | Zbl 0099.36602
[58] Burger E.: Bemerkungen Zum Aumannschen Core-Theorem. Zeitschrft. Wahrscheinlichkeitsth. 3 (1964), 148-153. MR 0169705 | Zbl 0138.16702
[59] Stearns R. E.: Three-Person Cooperative Games without Side Payments. Ve sborníku [8], 377-406. MR 0169704 | Zbl 0125.38103
[60] Andersen S. L., Traynor E. A.: An Application of the Aumann-Maschler n-Person Cooperative Game. Recent Advances in Game Theory, Proceedings of a Princeton Univ. Conf. (October 1961), Princeton 1962 (rozmnož.), 265 - 270.
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