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1. Hewitt E., Zuckerman H. S.: The L1-algebra of a commutative semigroup. Annals of Mathematics, 1956, v tlaci. MR 0081908
2. Tamura T., Kimura N.: On decompositions of a commutative semigroup. Kodai Mathematical Seminar reports, No 4, December 1954, 109-112. MR 0067106 | Zbl 0058.01503
3. Schwarz Št.: The theory of characters of commutative Hausdorff bicompact semigroups. Čechoslovackij mat. žurnal, 6 (81), 1956, v tlači. MR 0092098
4. Schwarz Št.: K teoriji periodičeskich polugrupp. Čechoslovackij mat. žurnal, 3 (78), 1953, 7-21. MR 0061593
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