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Title: Generalized synchronization-based partial topology identification of complex networks (English)
Author: Zhang, Xueqin
Author: Zhu, Yunru
Author: Zheng, Yuanshi
Language: English
Journal: Kybernetika
ISSN: 0023-5954 (print)
ISSN: 1805-949X (online)
Volume: 59
Issue: 3
Year: 2023
Pages: 512-526
Summary lang: English
Category: math
Summary: In this paper, partial topology identification of complex networks is investigated based on synchronization method. We construct the response networks consisting of nodes with sim-pler dynamics than that in the drive networks. By constructing Lyapunov function, sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee partial topology identification by designing suitable controllers and parameters update laws. Several numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results. (English)
Keyword: complex network
Keyword: partial topology identification
Keyword: generalized outer synchronization
MSC: 93C05
MSC: 93D15
DOI: 10.14736/kyb-2023-3-0512
Date available: 2023-07-12T07:31:31Z
Last updated: 2023-07-12
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